Thursday, November 21, 2019


Let's say your Biometric device is connected in the local area network. To make a successful communication with the device, you need to know the IP address and the Port No. The following code helps connect to the device at the given IPAddress and Port and on successful connection, it registers some events. Also, you might want to take help from the SDK that I have attached along with this article. The follow procedures are applicable for the K14 model devices. Here is a good starting point for those device models. zksoftware sdk

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zksoftware sdk

In order to implement any biometric device, you will have to register the related components in the system, which can be easily done by using the Regsvr32 utility. Let's say your Biometric device is connected in the local area network. It is a growing demand in today's world.

The EventMask requires an integer value whose value varies based on the type of event. The application helps by showing some of the API implementations. The API implements the out parameter to give back the output. If you don't know how it works, please go through some blog posts in the related topic.

Companies like ZKTeco manufacture biometric access control and Time and Attendance in various shapes and sizes with different set of features per model.

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Though the devices will be of sd models, with a different set of sdk, the implementation procedure will be somewhat the same. There are numerous procedures and events to be implemented which you can use per you need.

They provide a better way of user authentication and security in organizations who implement it.

The complete list of EventMast values sddk given below:. To make a successful communication with the device, you need to know the IP address and the Port No.

ZKSoftware ZK4500

Other devices might have a different set of SDK, hence a slightly different set of procedures. Now we have a valid IP and Port, let's go through the source code used in a demo project entitled BioMetrix which I have attached along with this article.

The TmpData is the users fingerprint template data. You can download the SDK from here.

zksfotware I had stored some random user data in the fingerprint device and used the following code to retrieve it back and display it. To register all real-time events, the value of Eventmast can be set as which I have implemented in the above code. Biometric Devices are being used extensively in many corporations through out the world these days. Hence, developers are likely to come sksoftware its implementation at some point.

The follow procedures are applicable for the K14 model devices. To register for multiple-events, we can perform XOR operations between binary codes of related events. Also, you might want to take help from zksoftwade SDK that I have attached along with this article.

Well, that gives you the starting point for your project.

ZKSoftware ZK Fingerprint Reader

The events are not implemented though, you will have to implement it yourself as per your need. We already have a batch file ready for that very purpose, Hence, we are cool here.

Zksoftwsre is a good starting point for those device models. I have already attached an SDK sample along kzsoftware this article. The following code helps connect to the device at the given IPAddress and Port and on successful connection, it registers some events.

ZKSoftware ZK4000

The user information can be fetched by providing the machine number. For that very purpose, this article is written as a getting started guide with a few pieces of source code such that it helps C developers to save some valuable time with all the zkdoftware work.

With a biometric device in hand, you can now experiment with the source code yourself and play along. There are requirements where you have to integrate a biometric device into your own application or some part of it like fetching the attendance records, user information, backing up the fingerprint templates into your system database or export it somewhere remotely, etc.

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Prior to going through the following article, it would be beneficial if you have some good understanding of the following things:.

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